Tarot Reading 11.14.19

To sum it up:

You are the vitality in each other’s lives. With a current life intent to provide the other with the haven of refuge.

Charge forth into battle with courage as the war of belief moves your connection from the Knight of Swords to the Six of Swords – bringing rapid change to leave all your troubles behind.

Your heart in my hands has a clear connection to logic, alignment, courage & valor.

My heart in your hands is melted into contentment as your life is the missing ingredient in my alchemical spell of life fulfillment. Your existence brings me waves of bliss.

Guidance in this time is to let your armor & guarded natures take as much time as they need to soften & let the other in- all things will occur when the timing is right. Trust your intuitions- you know what this is & there is no rush as this is the final challenge of healing… can you heal enough to accept her/him for all you have ever believed love could be? And will you take one another swimming & flying far further than you have ever dreamed?!

the cards have spoken.

1. Past Life – The Sun

When found in various lifetimes the dance celebrating vitality once more resumes as it has so very many times before.

Literally the light in one another illuminates them through their darkness & when they find one another again & again in do so doth they both refind the sun, their very will to live

2. Current Intent- Four of Wands

Haven of refuge.

A well-deserved rest in a lifetime of chaos. A sacred gathering to Mark reaching a new stage of development. Pieces of peace found in solid partnership.

Rest now & relax surrender into serenity for after the war safety has been found in the arms of another

4. (Yes reading out of order deal with it)

4. Where we are

Knight of Wands

Escape from Difficulty

Changes in the air, creative energy of very important event with new people experiences has come upon you. Your change of environment will lead to a departure from custom. Enjoy this time of great confidence, vision, flight, movement, relocation and sexual adventures. You are embarking upon a new creative journey this card is associate with the hare hahaha

WOW there is a rabbit reference in my book haha lovely .

5. Where are we going together?

Six of swords ⚔️

Leaving your troubles behind, brighter days ahead in this welcomed transition, this reconciliation and achieved seeking of calmer waters

6. His heart with her- ace of swords

Power in the right timing for the inevitable radical change. Welcome to the level of justice, the very silver lining you have begged to find. Your mind operates logically with the power of your mental intellect & force of your heart connecting together

This card suggests the beginning of a promising venture that develops a redirection for your life’s adversity.

Think before you act & trust your mind as much as your heart as you feel into your new situation that realigns what you believe possible

7. Her heart with him:

Inverted 4 of cups

(When a card is pulled upside down the meaning is opposite)

You end her discontent.

You let her walls fall down without force as she feels freely to expand her new found wings, your acceptance of her inspires her to share more of herself with the world because of the way you look at her.

You are what she has been looking forward to – you are a new beginning that brings new opportunities, enjoyment & energy into her world.

3. Guidance card

9 of Wands

Strength in reserve

Stand up for yourself & guard your old wounds for this is your final challenge to overcome.

You both now have the ability to recover your bodies, breathe & nurture a healthy immune system.

The final problem to resolve before victory is yours. To overcome the guarding of your hearts is your current war within yourselves- know that prior conflict & trauma have brought you into the battle of belief.

Once you accept do not change courses midstream – your position is strong & you have the courage & determination to achieve your goals when the time is right.