Letter to MY Soul Mate

wezsym weslyn wolven soul mate
To the LOVE of my life: Ello Beloved Being… we haven’t met yet in the realm of flesh nonetheless I hear your melodious voice speak my name in my dreams. You are so real in that etheric space I wake still feeling your heartbeat with my head on your chest… I gently hold the space between worlds as I begin to wake, filling my nostrils with the nodes of your scent, memorizing how safe I feel with you, delicately lingering in the void of infinite wonder just for a moment longer to nuzzle into your warmth & smile… I smile knowing you are so close to me to find you I must continue to discover Myselves. Each day I continue unapologetically being the being I AM, celebrating the creations that channel through me, honoring my sacred vessel & learning how to love me best… for I know that true love will truly see me & thus I must be transparent with all I am. True love will truly hear me & thus I must be honest in all I say & listen to what I speak. True love will truly know me & thus I must continue my exploration of my full potential & accepting my purpose from the great beyond. Spirit is all- time is an illusion- we are already together as our souls authored our incarnations this lifetime to find each other again… In Divine Certainty with Detached Expectation I am here, right here, already irreversibly in love with you, passionately respecting all you are & joyful beyond measure for your existence.

I love you, I am you & thus I love me. Namaste My Cherished Soulmate

– Wezzy