You are Art creating Art.
Every Electron of Matter MATTERS as each blade of grass is a Piece of Peace. I validate the internal storming chaos as the complacent sleep. Blessed Relative I AM screaming behind every brush stroke & best of the drum I AM SINGING FOR YOU. There are countless beings enslaved, trafficked, raped, eaten, poisoned & charged to live a slow death HERE ON OUR BELOVED TURTLE ISLAND! DO NOT LOOSE HOPE FOR HOPE EXISTS BECAUSE YOU BELIEVE! Every tear you shed is seen by the eyes of the Almighty Spirit REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE FOR YOU ARE MADE OF STARS.
Oh YES the painting behind me is my self portrait with Sophia Gaia behind me with seraphim dragons on either side.
How can I serve you this miracle of a holographic day in a divine meat suit composed of ever-transforming energetic spheres of E8 DREAMWEAVE Goodness?