Channel Rant

I surrender into thee oh sacred whispers that move my lips in prayer. All I am serves my eternal essence partially encased in flesh. I am my own master & with a humble bow I worship the infinite. 🐺Wezsym Wolven Within Weslyn🧿 🌎🕉🌌Earth Om Ether🌌🕉🌎

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urban howl WEZSYM FULL EP URBAN HOWL - Produced By Gulches COME PLAY WITH ME IN THE DARKNESS OF MY UNDERWORLD WONDERLAND OF SMOKEY SULTRY WILD WIND. For I am a war for her warrior born unclean & a slut by right just a street dog from an endless city inside out I’m ugly pretty death rebirthing God born of the Yoniverse can I get a FREEDOM for my creatures of the dark. Facebook Instagram

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